Version 2.0.0 of the WP Frontend Delete Account – a WordPress plugin that allows users to automatically delete their accounf from frontend is out. 🎉
If you haven’t used the WP Frontend Delete Account yet, Get Started now.
Version 2.0.0 includes the famously requested two features:
1) Customize delete account endpoint:
The default delete account endpoint in WooCommerce is “wpf-delete-account”. This version allows the administrator to customize this endpoint on the WooCommerce account page.

2) Exclude user roles:
You can now exclude specific roles to the “Delete Account” tab in WooCommerce. This means you can only add the “Delete Account” tab to specific user roles such as customers etc.

That’s all in version 2.0.0. Checkout for version 2.1.0 – the upcoming version.
Do you have any specific feature requests? Let me know.