Translating JavaScript strings in the custom block plugin

Translating JavaScript strings in the custom block plugin

Only 71% of sites built in WordPress include the English language. Every plugin is expected to be translation-ready so that the users can translate the strings of the plugin into their preferred language. So, in PHP instead of: We write

How to add a new panel in the WordPress block editor sidebar

How to add a new panel in the WordPress block editor sidebar

Are you looking to add a new panel in the block editor sidebar as shown in the screenshot below? The old style meta box with add_meta_box works fine in the block editor as well. However, since it’s a typical metabox,

WordPress 6.0 introduces the block lock feature

WordPress 6.0 introduces the block lock feature

WordPress 6.0 scheduled to release on May 24th is introducing the block lock feature. The feature is especially helpful for freelancers or agencies building sites for clients. In many cases, you wouldn’t want the site administrators to easily change the

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