If you’re running a WooCommerce store in Nepal and want to accept payments through Himalayan Bank, this guide will show you how to integrate their payment gateway into your site. It will help you set up secure transactions for your customers, making payments easier and more reliable. With this setup, your store can handle payments smoothly and provide a better experience for both you and your customers.

Himalayan Bank’s payment gateway supports credit card payments, making it convenient for customers to pay using their international credit cards. This feature is essential for businesses looking to reach customers beyond Nepal, allowing for smooth, secure transactions directly on your WooCommerce site. Whether you’re a travel and trek business owner, or you just want to integrate payment method in your WooCommerce site, this plugin is for you.


To successfully integrate Himalayan Bank payments with your WooCommerce site, you’ll need to meet the following technical requirements:

👉 Himalayan Bank Merchant Account

👉 Website built with WordPress and products with WooCommerce. If you haven’t got the domain and hosting yet, I recommend getting it from Babal Host.

👉 PHP 8.1 or higher.

👉 PHP Sodium Extension.

👉 PHP GMP ExtensionOptional but strongly recommended. Learn More.

If you’re unsure about meeting these requirements, feel free to contact me or your web host for assistance.


  • 1 Site
  • 1 year of updates / billed yearly.
  • 1 year of support *
  • 7 days money-back guarantee *

* Support is limited to the plugin’s territory. E.g. plugin installation, licenses, bug fixes etc. Configuration and issues with the Bank Merchant are not the plugin’s territory.

* 100% refund when the product had a bug/problem I couldn’t resolve.

* Checkout and Payment are processed from Freemius – the reseller of the plugin.

Have pre-sale questions? Contact Me or send a message on Whatsapp.


  1. Log into your WordPress site: https://example.com/wp-admin
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin
  3. Upload the plugin’s zip file which will be sent to your email when you purchase.
  4. Install and activate the plugin.

If you’re new to WordPress, here’s a beginner’s guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once you activate the plugin, you’ll have to enter the license key which you’ll receive in your email.

Himalayan Bank WordPress Plugin License Key

If you don’t see this popup window, go to Plugins > Add Himalayan Bank In WooCommerce and then click on Activate License.

Himalayan Bank WordPress Plugin Activation


Once you install and activate the Himalayan Bank Payment For WooCommerce plugin, you’ll see new payment settings in WooCommerce.So, Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments, there will be a new option, Himalayan Bank.

Himalayan Bank Payment Option

Click on the “Manage” button to set up the payments and settings.

Himalayan Bank WordPress plugin settings.

As you can see in the screenshot, you’ll need Merchant ID and API key to accept the payment on your Merchant account. For the Himalayan Bank to set up your Merchant account, you’ll need to provide the Public Signing Key and Public Encryption Key to Himalayan Bank.

You should generate the keys by yourself. Use this tool to generate the keys.


1) Select 4096 bit RSA key size from the drop-down.

2) Click on Generate RSA Key Pair, it will generate the Public Key and Private Key (call them the Signing Keys)

3) Go back to your site’s settings and paste the Public Key and Private Key in the fields: “Public Signing Key” and “Private Signing Key”.

4) Once again, click on Generate RSA Key Pair, it will generate a new Public Key and Private Key (call them the Encryption Keys)

5) Go back to your site’s settings and paste the Public Key and Private Key in the fields: “Public Encryption Key” and “Private Encryption Key”.

Once you fill the keys, the settings will look something like this:

Provide the Public Signing Key and Public Encryption key to Himalayan Bank, they’ll set up your live Merchant. You should not share the Private Keys with anyone.

We’re done with the setup. now the pay with Himalayan Bank option will appear in the checkout where customers can pay directly via their credit card. They will be redirected to the HBL payment to securely pay with Credit Cards.

Himalayan Bank Payment Redirection

Or, If you’re using On-Site Checkout, the credit card form will appear on your site. This feature however requires you to be a PCI complaint. Read more.

Himalayan Bank WordPress Plugin Checkout

Got issues?

Please carefully follow the setup instructions above especially the generation and sharing of signing/encryption keys. Most issues are probably due to incorrect Merchant Setup or configuration. However, technical errors do occur sometimes. If you face any issues, please turn on debugging from WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Himalayan Bank Payment.

Logging in Himalayan Bank Plugin

Then, check out again to log the error.

After that, you can get the log details in WooCommerce > Status > Logs.

Himalayan Bank WordPress Plugin Logs
Himalayan Bank Response logs

These details might tell you what went wrong or you can share the details with the bank support.


ERROR: Unable to load or decrypt token

Issue with keys. The keys bank used to create the Merchant doesn’t match the keys you’ve set in the plugin settings. Consult with bank support to check your keys.

ERROR: The JWT can not be used yet

Claim failed. You’re possibly ahead of time, : ) or used a nulled plugin. Send me the details of the logs and I’ll help to check.

Payment authentication service error.
Payment not success. Do not honour.

Probably credit card’s issue.

An error by the customer’s card acquirer (bank), not because of Himalayan Bank or the plugin. The used credit card issuer can’t process transactions at the time. Try using another card.

Error: Payment type not support

In most cases, the Merchant account has been made inactive. Contact bank support with your Merchant details.

Error: Unsupported Media Type

Possible issue with your custom codes, nulled plugin. Make sure you’re using the genuine plugin with the license key.

Don’t just hear my words!

I am using this plugin to accept payments from cross border countries as well as in Nepal. The amazing feature is that it supports 2 currencies and i love using it.

Dipshan Sharma

Exceptionally easy to set up and flawlessly functional, this HBL wordpress plugin is a game-changer for seamless integration. Kudos to Sanzeeb 🙂


Thank you so much Mr. Sanjeeb Aryal for the Himalayan Bank WooCommerce Plugin for WordPress. We are a startup Travel Agent based in Kathmandu and were really worried about setting up our website and implementing WooCommerce on it. But Mr. Aryal really helped us a lot with every step while setting the plugin. It really meant a lot. Thank You so much WordPress, Mr. Aryal, WooCommerce and Himalayan Bank. We highly recommend the plugin. Regards Biraj Sharma Adhikari IT Officer Cordial Trek Pvt. Ltd. Kathmandu, Nepal

Biraj Sharma Adhikari

and many others..

Hey! Do you have a Nabil Bank Merchant instead? You can set up a Nabil Bank Payment Gateway For WooCommerce.

Himalayan Bank Payment Gateway Integration Plugin for WooCommerce
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Sanjeev Aryal

Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision into reality ~ Bob Marley.

23 thoughts on “Himalayan Bank Payment Gateway Integration Plugin for WooCommerce

  • July 23, 2024 at 11:38 am

    I have purchased the plugin. After installing getting the following error:

    “Unable to load and decrypt the token.”

    • July 23, 2024 at 11:55 am

      Hi Rajesh – please check the FAQ section above. In short, this is keys mismatch.

  • May 30, 2024 at 1:02 pm

    can you please give me your phone number or call me 9813398197
    i need hbl plugin i already apply hbl please contact me asap

  • April 10, 2024 at 12:55 am

    Hello Sanjeep,

    I installed your free version and worked for some time but now HBL has changed lots of new coding etc. I asked them for new setting information but not yet fixed. However, if I buy does that work for my site? I want to buy it

    • April 10, 2024 at 3:41 am

      Hi – HBL tend to make changes on the API and as such it’s recommended to use the latest version of the plugin. With that said, it doesn’t work automatically if the keys are misconfigured.

  • March 9, 2024 at 3:54 am

    Shall we get instant payment like if customer pay now, it is approved right away? If it is like Himalayan Bank system then its not worthy.

  • July 17, 2023 at 10:44 am

    what would be the reason for the error, “Unable to load and decrypt the token.”

    • July 18, 2023 at 5:52 am

      Incorrect key/configuration. The key you generated & added in the settings doesn’t match the key bank used to create your merchant.

  • June 2, 2023 at 9:41 am

    After I receive the access token, what should I include in the Secret (API) key?
    Is it an access token or encryptionkeyid?

    • June 2, 2023 at 10:06 am

      It’s the Merchant password/secret provided by the bank while setting up your merchant.

      • June 9, 2023 at 4:16 am

        Error Message:
        ERROR: request.officeId : Value CLAY_CRAFTS_N_MORE_ENTERPRISES_ECOM__NPL is not valid for Code type.

        How do I fix the error?

    • January 28, 2023 at 2:33 pm

      That error usually means the issue with signing/encryption keys. Note that you should provide keys to the bank and the bank should use those keys to generate your Merchant. Consult with bank for confirmation.

  • December 17, 2022 at 12:59 pm

    Hi Sanjeev

    I am seeking HBL PGW version 2.0, now you’ve released the beta version. So How long do you take to finalize? If you need resources to check all these functions, such as credit card during the development period, I would like to help you.

    Thank you
    Kumar Lama

    • December 17, 2022 at 1:30 pm

      It’s the new API – v2. I just tagged ‘beta’ because it still needs testing to fix edge case issues. I’ll gather the reports from the users and release a stable v2.1.

      Hope this clarifies!

  • December 17, 2022 at 12:44 pm


    I just installed it on my site. But it does not complete the payment process. When clicking on the payment button, pop up a form to save card details, also shows the location of the USA only not other countries listed in the country form field. When trying to go new tab in the browser, the pop-up form disappears.

    • December 17, 2022 at 12:50 pm

      Hi Chitra – thanks for reaching out and testing the plugin 🙏.

      The popup is the browser asking to save the CC details. I’m not sure what county field are you talking about. Is there any chance you could create a video screencast?

        • December 17, 2022 at 2:33 pm

          I checked out and see the standard checkout error. Here’s debugging steps:

          Turn on Debug log from WooCommerce > Payments > Himalayan Bank. Check the log file in wp-content/uploads/wc-logs/Himalayan-bank–{date}-xxx.log. You can see full technical details on what went wrong.

          • December 18, 2022 at 3:20 am

            Hi Chitra, I received the logs but I actually was looking for the response from the bank which was missing – see https://prnt.sc/a4McJGiLtUzb. You can get it from WooCommerce > Status > Logs. Check the log with hbl-payment-{date}-{time}.txt.

            P.S. Update the plugin to v2.0.2

  • December 11, 2022 at 1:31 pm

    how long it will take to release v2


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