Creating a frontend form in ACF (Advanced Custom Fields)

Creating a frontend form in ACF (Advanced Custom Fields)

Advanced Custom Fields widely known as ACF is a popular plugin among WordPress developers to create custom post types, and custom fields and easily manage them without many codes. While it primarily focuses on the backend, it also offers options

[Fix] Creation of dynamic property is deprecated since PHP 8.2

[Fix] Creation of dynamic property is deprecated since PHP 8.2

Since PHP 8.2, adding a new property to an object at runtime is deprecated, and such that you shouldn’t do this anymore. Example: When you do this, the property $tiems is dynamically created as untyped public properties, but in the future, you

Load Assets Conditionally in your WordPress Plugin

Load Assets Conditionally in your WordPress Plugin

wp_enqueue_scripts hook is the proper hook to enqueue assets (despite the name, both CSS & JS) in the front end. However, if you enqueue assets this way, like all the examples on that documentation – the assets will be loaded

Remove Action Scheduler Completed Tasks

Remove Action Scheduler Completed Tasks

When using Action Scheduler to schedule processing the tasks, the completed tasks are stored for 30 days in your database by default. You might want to remove the action scheduler completed tasks a little earlier or instantly after completion. The

“Headers already sent” warning doesn’t appear on localhost

“Headers already sent” warning doesn’t appear on localhost

Have you ever worked on your local environment – looks fine, and then your live server produces the following error?     Warning Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by… This usually happens because output buffering is often