Debouncing – preventing a function to run instantly in React

Debouncing – preventing a function to run instantly in React

Debouncing is a term in software development that is used to prevent a function to run until a specific time has elapsed, which significantly improves the cost. Cost in the terms of requests. Example: let’s say we have a search

Creating a Custom Post Type with Gutenberg and REST API

Creating a Custom Post Type with Gutenberg and  REST API

Let’s get started by registering a Custom Post Type in WordPress. Post Types are the varieties of content such as posts, pages, taxonomies, products, etc. We’re going to add a new post type, person. WordPress makes it easy to add

Get data from the promise of WordPress apiFetch

Get data from the promise of WordPress apiFetch

apiFetch package is a very useful utility in WordPress. It helps to retrieve data from the REST API endpoint, for example. Here’s the usage for a default REST API endpoint: https://localhost/wp-json/wp/v2/posts. If you want to enable REST API for your

Creating a WordPress plugin settings page with React JS

Creating a WordPress plugin settings page with React JS

Since the introduction of the Gutenberg block in WordPress 5.0, React JS has been a part of WordPress. For the developers, creating their own block plugin hasn’t been a tough task because of the well-written documentation on Writing Your First

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